Interdisciplinary Project

We had been working for at least a month in our English class to prepare for our showcase night. For the IDP we were put into groups and given a topic to create a debate about. My group mates and I received the topic of Hepatitis. In our English class we were supposed to write and essay. create a poster and make a PowerPoint to show during our showcase with information of our topic. Our group worked very hard to accomplish what was needed. The IDP also counted as a grade in the rest of our classes as we were supposed to find research, conduct surveys, and make graphs about things that related to our topic. On December 11, every group was supposes to present and my group was given the time of 5:30 in room 213. During the showcase, we were to present in front of a panel that consisted of a teacher, a medical worker and a parent. We also had to dress up professionally. For the showcase, each group member had something they had to say about the topic.We were being judged on our PowerPoint, information, our professionalism, and our entire presentation as a group as well as given individual grades. When it came to the time for my group to present, I began to get very nervous thinking I would forget what I had to say or something else would go wrong. Once inside the room I began to feel better only because I saw there were only 5 people going to watch us present. In total it took my group five minutes to present ourselves and out topic. We answered any questions the panel had and we were then able to go home; the scare being over. None of my group members messed up, as in forgot their lines, but we did very well.My group did a lot better than we all expected.
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