Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Media

New Media Evaluation

A. What I liked about this class was the fast that we got to research and learn about different medical careers and how we did student success statements which taught us many valuable lessons. One thing I did not like about the class was having to do the say typing tutor for 15 minutes, it honestly got boring and quite frustrating after a while.

B. To improve the class you could teach us more about how to use computers and how they work and all the different programs they use. It would be nice to know a bit more about computers and how if something goes wrong I would know how to fix it. 

C. I personally think I did my best in this class. I did everything I was supposed to do and I really tried to improve my typing skills.

D. Yes I have been reading my life planning 100+ goals daily for two minutes because doing it in class has showed me how important it is to remember your goals and figure out ways on how to achieve them.

E. I have tried my best on being a CTR person. I have to admit there are still sometimes when my lazy side takes over and I get tempted to not do anything but I know  that is not right because there are things that I must take care of like school. 

F. To take responsibility for my Body-Mind-Spirit by promising to keep myself healthy and active, study hard to keep my mind sharp, and to always see the new day with a positive mind. 

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